Since 2014, the New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion program (NJAIM) has been administered by the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center (NJ BPRC), which is part of the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. The program’s overall mission is to promote safe, active transportation throughout the state.

Each year, thousands of pedestrians and bicyclists are injured, and hundreds are killed in collisions with motor vehicles on New Jersey roadways. Rising numbers of serious injuries and fatalities suggest a strong and urgent need to continue to improve pedestrian and bicyclist infrastructure across the state, to make motorists aware of their role in the safety of other road users and to educate people who walk, bike or use other micromobility options to get around on how to travel safely. NJAIM helps advance this effort.

This 2022 Summary Report provides an overview of the New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion program and an in-depth look into its outreach activities and accomplishments.

Read full report: New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion: 2022 Summary Report

New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center. (2022). New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion: 2022 Summary Report. Retrieved from

NJAIM 2022 FinalReport Cover