2021 certainly presented its share of challenges, but the NJ Bicycle & Pedestrian Resource Center was fortunate to enjoy many successes during the year, including:
- Hosting the sixth biennial New Jersey Complete Streets Summit sponsored by NJDOT
- Presenting the 2021 Complete Streets Champions Awards to the Team4NJ Safe Passing Law and in honor of Highland Park Councilwoman Susan Welkovits
- Presenting the 2021 Safe Routes to School Champion Award to the West Orange Township Pedestrian Safety Advisory Board
- Recognizing 10 New Jersey municipalities for adopting new Complete Streets policies
- Working with NJ Safe Routes Resource Center to host the first-ever New Jersey Trails & Greenways Summit, sponsored by NJDOT and NJDEP
- Convening four virtual New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Council (BPAC) meetings attended by over 170 people
- Releasing two research reports studying pedestrian hybrid beacons and perceptions of autonomous vehicles’ safety impacts on vulnerable road users
- Coordinating with our Transportation Management Association (TMA) partners to facilitate bike rodeos that helped children learn how to ride a bicycle for the first time through our Ambassadors in Motion program
- Partnering with NJDOT to advance Strategic Highway Safety Plan actions and align those efforts with BPAC initiatives
- Completing work on 2020 Complete Streets Technical Assistance projects and announcing the opening of applications for the 2022 Technical Assistance Program in coordination with NJTPA
We are grateful to the many organizations and individuals who have supported us in 2021 and look forward to continuing to promote active transportation for all in the new year!