NJ Walks and Bikes Blog
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Join the #MoveEquity Tweetchat on April 5, 2017
Everyone deserves opportunities to walk, bike, and be physically active in their community. However, there are barriers to safe walking and bicycling that go beyond infrastructure and traffic. Many people, particularly girls and women, people of color, and the LGTBQ community, face aggressive comments, threats, microagressions, and other types of [...]
New Brunswick Ciclovía returns April 23, 2017
“The Mayor of Happy,” also known as Claudio Orrego, a one term mayor of Santiago, earned this title and enormous popularity during his tenure. Orrego established an important precedent in Chile: he knew that he couldn’t promise wealth for all of Santiago’s residents, but he did believe that he could [...]
Notice of Public Open House: Rutgers Regional Bicycle Share Program
Bike share is coming to Rutgers New Brunswick and the surrounding communities! Rutgers University, together with North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and other regional partners, is implementing a regional bike share program, "Knight Cycle," through the Regional Transportation Alternatives Program (RTAP). The projects planners [...]
Update to the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Released
An update to the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was released in December of 2016, renewing NJ’s commitment to creating a bicycle and pedestrian-friendly state. While the state has seen a number of new developments in bicycle and pedestrian safety, the bar has been set even higher with [...]
5 Ways Bicycle Commuting Benefits the Workplace & How to Make It Happen
Commuting by bicycle is on the rise in the United States [1], increasing the demand for better infrastructure and bike share programs. New York City, for instance, saw a 51% increase in bicycle commuters (approximately 30,206 commuters) from 2006-2011 [2]; while the country as a whole has witnessed a 62% increase [3]. Although [...]
NJ Bike/Ped News Feed February 7-March 2, 2017
Our biweekly News Feed provides you with convenient links on the latest news in the bicycle and pedestrian world. NJ Bike/Ped Headlines Bayonne begins search for bike-share vendor Feb. 8, 2017 – NJ.com South Orange’s river greenway project: Why isn’t it finished? Feb. 9, 2017 – TapInto.net Committee debates moving [...]