NJ Walks and Bikes Blog
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Where Are Bicyclists and Pedestrians Most in Danger?
There has been significant hype about increases in bicyclist deaths over the past few years, which has both positive and negative outcomes. Obviously, increased bicyclist deaths is not desired, which is causing politicians and state Departments of Transportation to pay closer attention to their bicycling infrastructure, or rather, lack thereof. [...]
Our Top Bicycle and Pedestrian Moments of 2014
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center is pleased to share 2014’s highlights of Complete Streets projects and active transportation in New Jersey. The resource center has published several reports documenting bicycle infrastructure and the state has surpassed 100 Complete Streets policies within the past year, continuing the state’s goal of [...]
Local NJ Bike/Ped News Feed for December 15, 2014 – January 15, 2015
Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed! We’ve scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey and the region. Click past the break to see all of the news! Enjoy!
How Copenhagen’s Policy Failure Led to Infrastructure Success
Copenhagen and Congestion Failure The Danish capital of Copenhagen is often referred to as a “biking beacon,” with its world-class bicycling infrastructure. The city and its surrounding suburbs contain dozens of miles of bike paths connecting residents to their workplaces. While its bicycling infrastructure is well known, its latest innovation [...]
Local NJ Bike/Ped News Feed for December 1 – December 15, 2014
Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed! We’ve scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey and the region. Click past the break to see all of the news! Enjoy!
Active Commutes: Healthy Lifestyles
As the most urbanized state in the United States, New Jersey is not a stranger to long commutes. Here, as the saying goes, distance is measured in time rather than miles. And while New Jersey residents are familiar to long commutes, research shows they could be detrimental to health. Extensive [...]