NJ Walks and Bikes Blog
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NJDOT Releases “Explore the Jersey Shore by Bicycle” downloadable tour routes
The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) publishes more than 20 bicycle tour guides, including the 238-mile High Point Cape May Bike Route and the East Coast Greenway Multi-use Trail Guide. This month, they’ve released their newest bicycle tour route, Explore the Jersey Shore by Bicycle,to help promote recreation along [...]
Addressing the Need for Safe Bicycle Parking at Transit Stations: The Bicycle Cage
Is an innovative bicycle parking solution implemented at Massachusetts rail stations a good strategy for New Jersey? Today, only a small proportion of rail-transit riders in New Jersey use a bicycle to arrive at the train station. According to a 2005 NJ TRANSIT survey, even at the stations most used [...]
June 19, 2014 BPAC Meeting Summary
The second New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Council (BPAC) meeting of the year convened on June 19th at the Bloustein School at Rutgers, New Brunswick. Participants included representatives from NJ TRANSIT, the New Jersey Department of Transportation, various Transportation Management Associations (TMAs), Rutgers, and other organizations active in transportation [...]
Bicycling to Rail Stations in New Jersey: 2013 Benchmarking Report
Despite New Jersey’s large commuter and light rail network, a very small proportion of commuters travel to or from rail stations by bicycle, and little is understood about their travel behavior. To fill this knowledge gap, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center undertook a series of primary data collection tasks [...]
Local NJ Bike/Ped Newsfeed for June 15 – July 1, 2014
Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed! We’ve scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey and the region. Click past the break to see all of the news! Enjoy!
Webinar: Complete Streets: From Policy Adoption to Implementation in New Jersey
On Thursday, June 12, 2014, America Walks and the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center (NJBPRC), with support from Shaping NJ, organized a webinar titled, "Complete Streets: From Policy Adoption to Implementation in New Jersey. Roughly 500 people from throughout the US and Canada registered for the webinar. The [...]