NJ Walks & Bikes Blog2024-01-22T16:55:02+00:00

NJ Walks and Bikes Blog

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May 2014 New Brunswick Ciclovia

In 2013, the city of New Brunswick held its first Ciclovia, one of the first events of its kind in New Jersey. Close to four miles of roadway were closed to motorists for six hours on a Sunday so that people could use the space to run, bike, walk, and [...]

May 20th, 2014|

American Community Survey: Bicycling and Walking to Work 2008-2012

The U.S. Census Bureau press released the 2008-2012 “Modes Less Traveled – Bicycling and Walking to Work in the United States” report. The findings are based on responses to The American Community Survey for 2008-2012. The report found that the number of workers who commute by bicycle increased from 488,000 [...]

May 20th, 2014|

Heat Island Mitigation in New Jersey

One of the barriers to increasing pedestrian movement is appealing walking space. This requires having well maintained infrastructure such as flat sidewalks and safe intersections, as well as design elements that make walking comfortable. Natural elements such as trees, flowers, and grasses, are not only aesthetically pleasing but also create [...]

May 2nd, 2014|

Local NJ Bike/Ped News Feed for April 16 – April 30, 2014

Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed! We’ve scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey and the region. Click past the break to see all of the news! Enjoy!

May 2nd, 2014|

New Tools for Community Engagement

This winter has left many of New Jersey’s streets in a state of disrepair. Poor road conditions can cause motorists to make unpredictable hazard avoidance movements, increasing the danger for other road users, including other motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. While automobiles may be damaged due to poor road conditions, the [...]

April 17th, 2014|
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