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NJ Walks and Bikes Blog

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Bicycle Rehab Locations in New Jersey

Are you considering biking as a form of alternative transportation? Are you looking for an affordable bike? Maybe you have a bicycle, but it is in need of some serious repairs, or you have a bike that is no longer used and would like to donate it? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, read past the break to find out more about the many bicycle rehab locations in New Jersey.

September 4th, 2012|

Ride Responsibly and Share the Road

As bicyclists, we are responsible for following the rules of the road. Just as we stay abreast of the latest bike technologies and newest gear, we need to continually refresh our knowledge of riding on the road, practice our bike handling skills, and to always be courteous, even if we have been provoked. We hope this primer on the basics of riding safely and sharing the road will prove to be helpful and encourage you to learn more.

August 24th, 2012|

Local NJ Bike/Ped News Feed For August 1 – August 15, 2012

Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed for the first half of August! We’ve scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey and the region. Click past the break to see all of the news! Enjoy!

August 15th, 2012|

Local NJ Bike/Ped News Feed For July15 – August 1, 2012

Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed for the second half of July! We’ve scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey and the region. Make sure to check out the debut video made by our NJ Ambassadors at the end! Click past the break to see all of the news! Enjoy!

August 2nd, 2012|

Bikes on Buses? It’s Easier Than you Think!

Many cyclists share the same story: You’re on your way home from work one day when all of the sudden your tire goes flat, and of course it’s the one time you’ve forgotten to bring your pump and patch kit. Or you’re halfway into your ride when it starts pouring rain. Or maybe you’ve put off biking somewhere because it’s too terrifying to cross the four-lane, high-speed bridge that separates you from your destination. What’s a cyclist to do? Fortunately, there is a very simple solution: hail the next bus and load up your bike.

August 1st, 2012|

Local NJ Bike/Ped News Feed For July1 – July 15, 2012

Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed for the first half of July! We've scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey and the region. Please click past the break to see all of the news! Enjoy!

July 16th, 2012|
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