The City of Plainfield, New Jersey, participated in the 2022-2023 North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) Complete Streets Technical Assistance (CSTA) Program. This report identifies several recommendations to promote bicycling and walking as a means of travel by creating a “loop” through Plainfield’s 3rd and 4th Wards. This plan helps connect residents, parks, businesses, schools, and other points of interest by identifying which forms of bicycle infrastructure are feasible to add in a constrained urban environment. The report also recommends improvements for pedestrians.

The recommendations in this report were developed through a series of conversations with City officials and staff, culminating in a public workshop held on March 9, 2023. During this workshop, members of the public were able to review a draft of the overall route along with detailed recommendations for four distinct segments. The feedback obtained during this meeting is reflected in this report.

Many of the recommendations in this report can be implemented by reallocating roadway space through new striping and signage. These improvements could be implemented quickly and at a relatively low cost by the municipality. Other recommendations will require a detailed engineering study, funding, and the support of local, county, and state officials. These projects would take more time but have the potential to make Plainfield a more accessible and attractive community for bicyclists and pedestrians. Aside from facilitating bicycle travel, many of the recommendations aim to improve overall traffic safety by discouraging speeding and improving the safety of pedestrian crossings.

Read full report: Plainfield: Bicycle Network Plan For Wards 3 and 4 (2023)
