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2023 NJ Complete Streets Summit Summary Report

The New Jersey Complete Streets Summit is a free, biennial event sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), with a series of exemplary speakers and sessions on Complete Streets policies, planning, implementation, funding, and more. The Summit [...]


2023 NJ Complete Streets Summit

2023 NJ Complete Streets Summit The 2023 New Jersey Complete Streets Summit, sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, was held on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. The full-day event was held in-person at the College Avenue Campus [...]


2022 NJ Complete Streets Training Summary Report

In October 2022, NJDOT held three virtual NJ Complete Streets Training sessions. Each training consisted of three modules covering Complete Streets Benefits, Planning, and Design. The trainings were designed for an audience of planners, engineers, advocates, public health professionals, [...]


NJ Complete Streets Training

NJ Complete Streets Training Click here to read the 2022 NJ Complete Streets Training Summary Report! Complete Streets are designed for all users, all modes of transportation, and all abilities. They respond to local [...]


Previous NJ Complete Streets Summits

Previous NJ Complete Streets Summits The New Jersey Complete Streets Summit is a biennial event sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Transportation. During each summit, a wealth of information is provided in sessions centering on adopting a Complete [...]


NJ Complete Streets Policy Compilation

NJ Complete Streets Policy Compilation A Complete Streets policy formalizes a community’s intent to plan, design, operate, and maintain streets that are safe for all users of all ages and abilities. These are policies that [...]


About NJ Complete Streets

About NJ Complete Streets Complete streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users – pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Instituting a Complete Streets policy ensures [...]


2021 NJ Complete Streets Summit Summary Report

Held on October 22, 2021, the 6th biennial New Jersey Complete Streets Summit welcomed over 340 engineers, planners, health professionals, advocates, youth organizers, elected officials, and many more. The Summit, sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), [...]

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