The Borough of Bradley Beach, New Jersey, participated in the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) Complete Streets Technical Assistance (CSTA) Program in 2020. The CSTA Program selected eight municipalities to receive up to $10,000 in technical assistance to advance complete streets projects. This report identifies several recommendations to promote walking as a means of travel and improve the pedestrian experience along a section of Main Street in Bradley Beach. This report calls for developing a Complete Streets implementation plan; providing high quality pedestrian infrastructure/ facilities; improving bicycle infrastructure; rethinking the Second and Third Avenue intersection area near Main Street; and developing a unified look for the Main Street corridor. Long-term recommendations include developing standard designs for streetscape elements, exploring underground installation of power lines, and installing curb extensions and bus bulbs.

The recommendations in this report were developed using a collaborative process with municipal employees and borough stakeholders. The process included a virtual Walkable Community Workshop (WCW) that was held on July 21, 2020. A follow-up public meeting was conducted on August 10, 2020 to collect feedback before finalizing the recommendations. Both meetings were conducted virtually rather than in-person due to COVID-19. The Main Street corridor under consideration is a state highway which bisects Bradley Beach’s downtown shopping and restaurant district. The corridor provides an important connection between the Borough’s southern residential neighborhoods and the Bradley Beach train station, bus stops, and downtown shopping and restaurant district.

The lessons participants learned during the virtual workshop can be applied to other municipal- owned roadways in Bradley Beach. The field audit form, information about the NJTPA’s pedestrian safety education program, Street Smart NJ, and a list of potential funding resources can be found in this report’s appendices. These resources can be used to conduct other walk audits and projects within the Borough.

Read full report: Bradley Beach: Main Street Walkable Community Workshop (2020)

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