The Borough of Dunellen, New Jersey, participated in the 2022-2023 North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) Complete Streets Technical Assistance (CSTA) Program. The NJTPA worked with the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, and Sustainable Jersey (SJ) to provide technical assistance to the Borough.

Dunellen received assistance in developing a Complete & Green Street Policy. This report provides insights into the policy planning process and provides several recommendations for promoting Complete Streets in Dunellen. The project team gathered stakeholder and public input as part of its analysis of pedestrian safety concerns in the Borough. Following that analysis, the team recommended several options for a resolution or ordinance and additional steps to advance Complete Streets within the Borough.

Recommendations included adopting a model policy provided by the CSTA team, strengthening partnerships within the health and transportation sectors within the county for support of policy implementation, and encouraging continued training. The team also provided guidance on exploring funding opportunities for implementation of Complete Streets throughout the Borough.

This report’s recommendations and draft policy will help the Borough of Dunellen implement Complete Streets on Borough roads, make them more competitive for grant funding, and communicate their roadway safety priorities to the state and county agencies that manage roads within Dunellen. Adopting Complete Streets and implementing transportation infrastructure designed for all users improves safety throughout the transportation network, providing benefits to the entire region.

Read full report: Dunellen: Complete & Green Streets Policy (2023)
