NJ Walks & Bikes Blog2024-01-22T16:55:02+00:00

NJ Walks and Bikes Blog

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Rural Complete Streets

Although the phrase Complete Streets often evokes images of a dense metropolis, it is important that this term is embraced by municipalities of all sizes and in all locations. It may be in urban neighborhoods that Complete Streets receive the most publicity, but it is not a singularly urban phenomenon. [...]

April 13th, 2015|

Bicycle Commuter Networks

Commuting to and from work only comprises 20% of all trips taken in the United States. However, it is these trips that create the most congestion as large groups of people flock to the roads within the same 2-3 hour time period during the workweek. Engineers and planners are constantly [...]

April 13th, 2015|

Bicycle Share and Complete Streets

It’s perhaps one of the oldest philosophical questions in the book - which came first, the chicken or the egg? This simple question has stirred debate and stimulated interesting conversations for as long as people have wondered. But the concept of the chicken and the egg question is not monopolized [...]

March 27th, 2015|
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