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Aging in Urban Centers

As baby boomers – those born between 1946 and 1964 – continue to age, their influence on the development of the urban landscape will remain significant, due to both the size of the age cohort and the unique needs of [...]


Connecting the City Through Park Corridors

Cities in the United States have a history of using green space to enhance urban landscapes. During the industrial revolution, Frederick Law Olmstead used green space not only to connect people, but create order in cities worn with strife. Cities [...]


NJAIM: Highlights of Weeks 19 – 22

New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion again battled adverse weather conditions, attending 6 events – reaching more than 1,000 people – during the month of October.  The events included both on-street and event outreach, as well as the New Brunswick Ciclovia [...]


NJAIM: Highlights of Weeks 17 & 18

NJAIM attended 2 on-street events – reaching more than 500 people – during the second half of September.  Ambassadors also participated in a bike rodeo, road safety audit, and Complete Streets-themed meetings with representatives from Atlantic County, Bergen County, Camden [...]


NJAIM: Highlights of Weeks 15 & 16

NJAIM  battled some adverse weather conditions, attending 2 on-street events – reaching more than 500 people – during the first half of September.  Ambassadors also met with representatives from the United Way, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Southern [...]


NJAIM: Highlights of Weeks 13 & 14

NJAIM attended 9 events – reaching more than 1,500 people – during the second half of August.  Ambassadors conducted three classroom workshops on safe bicycling and walking, two at the YMCA camp in East Orange and one at the Rutgers [...]


NJAIM: Highlights of Weeks 11 & 12

NJAIM attended 7 events – reaching more than 2,500 people – during the first half of August.  Ambassadors conducted three classroom workshops on safe bicycling and walking, two at the YMCA camp in East Orange and one at the Neptune [...]


NJAIM: Highlights from Weeks 9 & 10

NJAIM attended 10 events – reaching more than 1,500 people – during the second half of July.  Ambassadors conducted two classroom workshops on safe bicycling and walking at the YMCA camp in East Orange, and conducted on-street outreach in Perth [...]

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