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Bike Shares

Over the past few years, third-generation bicycle share programs have increased in popularity across U.S. cities, mimicking a trend started in Europe a decade ago. They are identified as systems that allow people to borrow bikes to get from one [...]


NJAIM Highlights 8/1 to 8/15

New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion NJAIM NJAIM is the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center’s public outreach team. The team consists of adult ambassadors trained to educate and conduct outreach to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists to promote safety and [...]


NJAIM 7/15 to 8/1 Highlights

NJAIM is the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center’s public outreach team. The team consists of adult ambassadors trained to educate and conduct outreach to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists to promote safety and active transportation throughout the state of [...]


Incentivizing Bicycling

As cities begin to add improved bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure, they should also create events and programs that incentivize using these facilities. Bicycling and walking to work requires not just infrastructure changes, but also a change of cultural norms. Community [...]


The Economic Benefits of Active Transportation

When promoting active transportation and complete streets infrastructure, health and environmental benefits are easily quantified. Calculating economic benefits can be more difficult. Recently, studies have shown that bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure also bring economic benefits. A study conducted by the [...]


NJAIM 7/1 to 7/15 Highlights

New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion (NJAIM) NJAIM is the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center’s public outreach team. The team consists of adult ambassadors trained to educate and conduct outreach to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists to promote safety and [...]


NJAIM 6/15 to 7/1 Highlights

New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion NJAIM NJAIM is the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center’s public outreach team. The team consists of adult ambassadors trained to educate and conduct outreach to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists to promote safety and [...]


NJAIM 6/1 to 6/15 Highlights

New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion NJAIM NJAIM is the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center’s public outreach team. The team consists of adult ambassadors trained to educate and conduct outreach to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists to promote safety and [...]


Biking in the Rain

As spring winds down and summer arrives, more and more bicyclists can be found commuting to work or riding for leisure. Warmer weather brings people outside, however, it may also bring rain. Traveling in the rain increases safety risks for [...]


NJAIM May Highlights

New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion (NJAIM) NJAIM is the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center's public outreach team. The team consists of adult ambassadors trained to educate and conduct outreach to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists to promote safety and [...]


Heat Island Mitigation in New Jersey

One of the barriers to increasing pedestrian movement is appealing walking space. This requires having well maintained infrastructure such as flat sidewalks and safe intersections, as well as design elements that make walking comfortable. Natural elements such as trees, flowers, [...]


New Tools for Community Engagement

This winter has left many of New Jersey’s streets in a state of disrepair. Poor road conditions can cause motorists to make unpredictable hazard avoidance movements, increasing the danger for other road users, including other motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. While [...]

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