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When a State Route is a Main Street

New Jersey State Route 27, stretching from Princeton to Newark, has an identity crisis. In downtown Princeton, NJ-27 is a vibrant, slow moving main street (Nassau Street), while just a few miles to the north, NJ-27 is virtually a country [...]


Bicycle Commuter Networks

Commuting to and from work only comprises 20% of all trips taken in the United States. However, it is these trips that create the most congestion as large groups of people flock to the roads within the same 2-3 hour [...]


Planning Participation in Capital Improvements

Complete Streets infrastructure requires committed investment into bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and vehicle lanes, as well as aesthetic improvements such as lights, benches, and trees. Funding these improvements may be difficult, so departments and organizations must work together in order to [...]


Improving Road Safety through Shared Space

Improving the safety of all users on the road is of paramount importance to public officials, city planners, and traffic engineers alike.  Last month, the NJ Walk and Bike Blog wrote about improving the safety of bicyclists through bicycle network [...]


Bicycling in the Suburbs

Across the Unites States communities are trying to integrate active transportation into their downtowns, but many of these towns are struggling to create infrastructure in suburbs that were designed for automobile use. The built environment in auto centric locations is segregated [...]


Our Top Bicycle and Pedestrian Moments of 2014

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center is pleased to share 2014’s highlights of Complete Streets projects and active transportation in New Jersey. The resource center has published several reports documenting bicycle infrastructure and the state has surpassed 100 Complete Streets [...]


Active Commutes: Healthy Lifestyles

As the most urbanized state in the United States, New Jersey is not a stranger to long commutes. Here, as the saying goes, distance is measured in time rather than miles. And while New Jersey residents are familiar to long [...]


Bicycle Safety

Bicycle commuting has increased in the past decade, but connected bicycle infrastructure networks are not keeping up with the need. The current car-centric roadway system has developed over the last sixty years and the bicycle revolution is just beginning. While [...]


NJAIM Highlights 8/15 to 9/1

New Jersey Ambassadors in Motion (NJAIM) NJAIM is the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center’s public outreach team. The team consists of adult ambassadors trained to educate and conduct outreach to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists to promote [...]

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