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Local NJ Bike/Ped News Feed For July15 – August 1, 2012

Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed for the second half of July! We’ve scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey and the region. Make sure to check out the debut video made by our NJ Ambassadors at the end! Click past the break to see all of the news! Enjoy!


Bicycle and Pedestrian Considerations in the Development and Design Review Process: Options for New Jersey Municipalities

More and more New Jersey municipalities are recognizing the benefits of being a bicycle and pedestrian friendly community. In addition to easing roadway congestion, making walking and biking a viable transportation mode for both utilitarian and recreational trips has environmental and social benefits as well. Biking and walking allows for healthier communities by providing opportunities for exercise, by contributing to a more egalitarian and connected transportation system, and by providing opportunities for community interaction and sense of place. This positive change is being fostered in New Jersey communities at all levels of government, but no player can have a greater impact in changing a community than the community itself. The following article, identifies some of the way communities can bring about these types of changes to New Jersey's already crowded streets.


Local Bike/Ped News Feed for June 1 – June 15, 2012

Welcome to the NJ Bike/Ped News Feed for the first half of June! We've scoured the web to bring you all of the latest news on bicycle and pedestrian issues occurring in New Jersey. If you have any articles you think we should add, please let us know! Click past the break to see the entire feed! Enjoy!


Bicycling, Walking and Public Health in New Jersey

National Trends Across the nation, cities are investing in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to promote active transportation options. Recent expansions of bike share programs, street improvement projects, and investment in recreational paths and trails are a few exciting changes which [...]


Bike/Ped News Feed For May 15 – June 1, 2012

        South Brunswick High School Students Seek SidewalkMobilizing the Region • May 16, 2012     Bringing a Bicycle Culture to CamdenThe Inquirer • May 29, 2012     City of New Brunswick Endorses Complete Streets PolicyNew [...]


NJ Bike Ped News Feed for January 15 – February 1, 2012

N.J. Supreme Court Rules Essex County Not liable for Bicyclist’s DeathThe Star-Ledger • January 21, 2012     Alliance for Biking & Walking Releases 2012 Benchmarking ReportMobilizing the Region • January 26, 2012     House Bill Threatens to Eliminate [...]


New Jersey Bike/Ped News Feed

NJ Bike/Ped Headlines   Lawrence Hopewell Trail Receives $248K Award Lawrenceville Patch •November 2, 2011       Fort Lee to use grant funds for ADA compliance • November 4, 2011       Hoboken's first pedestrian mall to [...]


Burlington County Awarded SS4A Grant

On May 17, 2024, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) awarded $400,000 to Burlington County through the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grants program. The County received this grant for the “Burlington County Complete Network Plan” [...]


NJDOT Local Technical Assistance Reports

The table below includes a list of NJDOT Local Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning Assistance Program reports since 1994. Available reports since 2017 are linked. To access reports published before 2017, please contact If a report that should be on this [...]

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