This paper discusses the basis for parking-protected bicycle lanes in New Jersey compared to neighboring states. It responds to concerns from New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) regarding the location of on-street parking by considering the purpose of current Title 39 (MVC code) language and comparing with similar laws in other states in the Northeast United States. This report provides research and recommendations that is not legal advice.


  • Parking-protected bike lanes reduce crashes of all kinds and dramatically increase bicycle mode-share.
  • Title 39 does not directly reference parking-protected bikes lanes nor any bike lanes, however current interpretation of the language around parking distance from curbs could represent a barrier to installation of parking protected bike lanes.
  • According to Title 39, it appears that edge of the roadway is defined by the edge of the outer motor vehicle lane, as the bike lane is not considered “vehicular” travel.
  • The language in NJ Title 39:4-135 is closer to New York’s Article 32: S 1203, than Pennsylvania’s Title 75 Pa. C.S.A. Vehicles § 3354 codes. While PennDOT requires proximity to the curb, NYSDOT does not appear to have the same issue. Connecticut explicitly legalizes parking protected bike lanes.
  • Implementing a “vertical element” is a solution to allow for parking-protected bike lane implementation.

Read full report: Title 39 & Parking Protected Bike Lanes (report)

View BPAC presentation slides: Title 39 & Parking Protected Bike Lanes (presentation)

New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center. (2022). Title 39 & Parking Protected Bike Lanes. Retrieved from

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