This report identifies a number of recommendations to promote walking as a means of travel and to improve walkability along North Avenue in the Town of Westfield, New Jersey. This report calls for striping high visibility crosswalks at all intersections, shortening crossing distances along the periphery of North Avenue through a variety of means, including curb extensions and pedestrian crossing islands to shorten crossing distances and improve pedestrian visibility for turning vehicles. Long-term recommendations include working with the Downtown Westfield Corporation to update and implement streetscaping plans. Additionally, the municipality is encouraged to work with New Jersey Department of Transportation and Union County to explore opportunities for crosswalks, bicycle infrastructure, and road diet measures that may decrease turning conflicts, thereby increasing safety for all road users.

The recommendations in this report were developed based on findings from a half-day Walkable Community Workshop (WCW) with municipal employees and town stakeholders that was held on March 25, 2019. The workshop was conducted under the Complete Streets Technical Assistance Program (CSTA) that is funded by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA).

North Avenue is a state highway which bisects Westfield’s downtown shopping and restaurant district. Much of the vehicular traffic on the corridor passes through Westfield, providing an important connection between the northeastern residential neighborhoods of Westfield and the Westfield Train Station as well as the downtown shopping and restaurant district.

The lessons learned by all participants during the half-day workshop can be applied to other municipal owned roadways in Westfield. The field audit form, information about the NJTPA’s StreetSmartNJ pedestrian safety campaign, and a list of potential funding resources can be found in this report’s appendices. It is important to note that each one can also be repurposed or sourced for other walk audits and projects within the town.

Read full report: Westfield: North Avenue Walkable Community Workshop (2019)

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