Research Reports
Title 39 & Parking Protected Bike Lanes (2022)
This paper discusses the basis for parking-protected bicycle lanes in New Jersey compared to neighboring states. It responds to concerns from New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) regarding the [...]
Expanding Bicycling Among Minority Women: A Proposed Survey and Focus Group Approach (2022)
In 2021, the New Jersey Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center (BPRC) was tasked with undertaking a new research project: "Expanding And Encouraging Women in Environmental Justice Communities to Bicycle [...]
Perception of Autonomous Vehicles’ Traffic Safety Impact on Vulnerable Road Users (2021)
Autonomous vehicles (AVs), commonly referred to as self-driving cars or driverless cars, have seen tremendous investment and technological advancement over the past decade, and their deployment will almost certainly [...]
Evaluating Complete Streets Public Engagement Practices: Results of a National Survey (2020)
Public outreach and engagement is the process of incorporating stakeholder/community feedback and participation in planning, program and policy efforts. There can be multiple levels of public outreach and engagement, [...]
Evaluating the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon’s Effectiveness: A Case Study in New Jersey (2020)
Motor vehicle crashes, specifically those involving pedestrians, are a serious issue related to roadway safety in the United States. Over the past several decades, we have witnessed a concerning [...]
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Portable Stop Signs (2019)
As a densely populated state, New Jersey has many urban roadways where closely-spaced intersections are controlled by “STOP” signs. Considering that most pedestrian activities are in dense, urban areas, [...]