New Jersey Ambassadors In Motion (NJAIM)

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Ambassadors are the BPRC’s public outreach team. The team consists of adult ambassadors trained to education and conduct outreach to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists to promote safety and active transportation throughout the state of New Jersey. The part-time ambassadors work from April to November to fulfill the following goals:

  • Promote a culture of courtesy, acceptance, and safety for all modes
  • Strengthen and leverage a network of community organizations and leaders who can advocate on behalf of safe bicycling and pedestrian activity in their communities
  • Provide training and education that help to transform places and behaviors
  • Encourage non-motorized transportation as a viable alternative to motorized transport
  • Encourage safe practices and behaviors by all modes
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What do Ambassadors do?

Ambassadors help with four forms of outreach: (1) Event Outreach, (2) Classroom Outreach, (3) On-Street Outreach, and (4) Municipal/Governmental Outreach. Through outreach efforts, ambassadors work to build relationships with New Jersey counties and local governments and mobilize to attend community events on an “on-call” basis. Ambassadors occasionally organize safety and education events. For example, ambassadors will give bicycle and pedestrian safety presentation targeted to children, youth, or adults at after-school locations. Ambassadors also mobilize at high-pedestrian crash intersections and railroad crossing to distribute safety-related literature to bicyclists and pedestrians and to warm motorists via custom-made signage. Ambassadors give presentation on select topics such as Complete Streets Policies to municipal leaders and practitioner community meetings, conferences, or other venues, too.

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More specific services include:

  • Helmet fittings
  • Bicycle safety checks
  • Presentations on bicycle and pedestrian safety (English and Spanish)
  • Distribution of safety materials and bike maps
  • Instruction to motorists and bike riders on the use of bike lanes
  • Demonstrations of NJTRANSIT bus bike-carrying racks
  • Helping non-bikers or novice bikers to bicycle more
  • Traffic Skills 101
  • Traffic Skills for Commuters
  • Traffic Skills for Motorists
  • Bicycle Skills
  • Complete Streets policy formation, adoption and implementation