The New Jersey Department of Transportation’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Resource Center (NJDOT BPRC) experienced a dynamic and eventful 2024. Supported by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) with funds from the Federal Highway Administration, NJDOT BPRC engaged in a variety of activities and initiatives over the past year which ranged from providing technical support to municipalities and publishing articles on the NJ Walks and Bikes blog, to researching significant subjects such as micromobility safety best practices and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on walking and bicycling. A list of highlights is provided below:

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Technical Assistance

In 2024, the NJDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center published 12 NJ Walks and Bikes Blog articles for the newsletter, including:

The NJDOT BPRC conducted six NJ Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Council (BPAC) meetings with approximately 75 people in attendance at each meeting. During this year’s BPAC meetings, attendees had the opportunity to share knowledge and expand their perspectives on New Jersey’s past, present, and future needs, policies, and practices for making the state safer and healthier. In 2024, BPAC hosted 12 presentations on a broad range of topics, including:

Staff responded to Help Desk requests submitted to or (848) 932-2899 on a range of topics, including rules and regulations concerning e-bikes and scooters;  NJ Title 39; Complete Streets policy adoption; bicycle donations; and crosswalk safety. Additionally, staff provided updates for pages on the BPRC website, including updated content for the Complete Streets Policy webinar, Complete Streets Policy Compilation, and Micromobility webpages.

Education and Training

NJDOT BPRC staff led and participated in many activities which expanded New Jerseyans’ understanding of bicycle and pedestrian laws and safety best practices, both with educational events for the public and with trainings for elected officials, planners, and other transportation professionals.

  • Expanded web-based educational resources on micromobility.
  • Hosted a screening of The Street Project and facilitated a discussion of community advocacy efforts working towards zero roadways fatalities and serious injuries.
  • Hosted a Complete Streets webinar and a Complete Streets open house where participants asked questions regarding about developing, advocating for, and adopting Complete Streets policies in their communities.
  • Presented at conferences, summits, and online meetings, including:
  • NJ TransAction
  • NJ Society of Municipal Engineers
  • NJ Safe Routes Academy/NJ Bike and Walk Summit
  • Complete Streets Working Group meetings
  • NJDOT Research Showcase
  • NJ League of Municipalities Conference
  • APA NJ Planning and Redevelopment Conference
  • NJ AHPERD Drivers Education Conference
  • NJ Bike and Walk Coalition SAFE Network Meeting
  • Micromobility 2.0 Workshop: Smarter Strategies for Safe Travel
  • NJ State Transportation Innovation Council


The NJDOT BPRC made significant contributions to bicycle and pedestrian safety research of significance to vulnerable road users both in New Jersey and nationally. In 2024, BPRC staff:

NJ Complete Streets Technical Assistance

These programs, funded by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) and the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization (SJTPO) and in partnership with NJDOT, support municipalities by providing them with the knowledge, skills and resources to develop Complete Streets-related solutions. The Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) and Sustainable Jersey provided technical assistance to Belmar, Paterson, Readington, Verona, and Belleville, including demonstration projects in Verona and Belleville. Reports for these technical assistance activities are expected to be released in 2025.